In case you didn’t know, one of the most important steps in preparation for a Kickstarter campaign is making a video about the project. Piece of cake, right? Wrong! While we do have a range of great talents in our team of veteran FPS gamers, those talents – alas! – do not include film acting, directing, or editing. Quite the contrary, it appears that the entire team is camera shy and possesses the stage fright gene.
But make the video we must, so we’ve decided that while our oh-so-not-photogenic faces will appear in the video, we will ask for some professional help with the voiceover. I’ve put together a script to fit this plan, and it seems to be doing a pretty good job in describing the roots and the goals of the project, what we have already achieved and where we’d like to take this thing. On to filming!
Deeply, deeply impressed!